On 13 December of 2019 we attended the opening of the “EBEC Athens” engineering competition that was organized by BEST Athens and it was just amazing! Dozens of students from all departments of National Technical University of Athens were there and we had the opportunity to communicate and present them our team and our work. European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) is an annual engineering competition organised by the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST). EBEC spreads in 32 countries with the mission to develop students by offering them the opportunity to challenge themselves in solving a theoretical or a practical problem. Students form teams of four and are called upon to solve an interdisciplinary Team Design or Case Study task, thus addressing students from all the fields of engineering.
Bringing together students, universities, companies, institutions and NGOs, EBEC aims at taking out students’ full range of multidisciplinary knowledge and personal skills and applying this potential into solving real-life problems by working in teams. EBEC Project is under the core service of BEST to provide complementary education. During the competition, active and inquisitive students have the chance to apply the knowledge gained through university, to challenge themselves, to broaden their horizons, to develop their creativity and communication skills. These being fundamental elements of the competition, EBEC contributes in the support and advancement of the technological education, as well as in the promotion of a collaboration in a multicultural environment.